America's Boating Club - Wilmington's

Social Events

America's Boating Club - Wilmington hosts many social outings during the year.  Weekly lunches are held on Wednesdays for those able to make it. Regular social meetings are held once a month on Friday evenings from September through May (Check our calendar on the home page for the next one.).  Social meetings consist of presentations of interest to all boaters and "potluck" dinners.

Friday 04 May - Nurdle Search at Noon at New Castle Sailing Club - Join us for a Lunch and Learn about Nurdles at the New Castle Sailing Club, as taught by our very own Biology Professor, Lynn Mahaffy, PhD. A Nurdle search will be included after lunch. Stay tuned for details.

On-the-Water Events

The well attended and anticipated ABC - Wilmington annual cruise is held during June.  Summer brings many on-water activities such as raft-ups, rendezvous and on-land fun such as picnics.  Many activities are planned on both the Northern and Southern Chesapeake Bay.  Recent raft-ups have been held in Rock Hall, Still Pond, Tilghman Creek, and Fairlee Creek.  Sail races are a popular Sunday afternoon attraction.

2024 ABC - Wilmington Annual Cruise - Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 9

Sunset on anchor

It’s not too early to begin thinking of the June Cruise.  Registration is due February 29 - ABC-Wilmington members should look for registration instructions in your email.  The cruise is also open to other area squardon members, just drop us a line at and we'll send you what you need to do.

The 2024 ABCW Cruise Committee has laid out an itinerary that is based on 2023 cruise questionnaire feedback. The cruise will be shorter in overall distance; we have two stops of two days; and we have reduced the trip by one day as well.

Here are some details:

6/1. Commander’s Kickoff. North Point Marina

6/2 and 6/3. Rhode River. At anchor.  Assigned Raft-ups, shared menu the first evening.  Second day we will tour the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and some dinghy activities.

6/4. Leadenham Creek. At anchor.  Assigned raft-ups with some dinghy activity.

6/5 and 6/6. Cambridge Municipal Yacht Basin. Dinner on our own, Richardson Maritime Museum, Harriet Tubman Museum and other activities TBA.

6/7. Dun Cove. At anchor with dinghy activity

6/8. Annapolis. Port Annapolis Marina. Banquet and other activities TBA.

6/9. Return to Rock Hall MD

The Cruise Committee wants to underscore its hope that those who cannot join us on a boat meet up with us at the Kickoff, SERC or in Cambridge. No boat is necessary!

Each year the cruise morphs slightly. This time we will stop at two locations for two days each. For years many commented on wanting to visit the SERC on the Rhode River - now a two day stay makes it possible. For those who enjoyed Oxford last year we have more planned at Cambridge - we could have stopped for three days! Also we will reach out to neighboring Squadrons located on the cruise route asking if they want to join us.

Camaraderie, just fun boating and on-shore discoveries promise to make the cruise very special. Remember - boat or no boat - we want you to join us.

Many thanks to the 2024 Cruise Committee: Laura Hepting, Carol Hanson, and Co-Chairs Colleen and John Schleicher, Leslie Brower and Bruce Wyngaard. Do not hesitate to contact any us on if you have questions.

Here's a link to the 2023 Cruise Article from the March/April Lubber's Line.


The following is a recap of our 2023 annual cruise:

The annual America’s Boating Club Wilmington, aka Wilmington Sail and Power Squadron, June cruise was a wonderful start to our boating club’s summer season.
The cruise kicked off at North Point Marina, Rock Hall, with a fun Hawaiian theme, complete with Hawaiian leis, flowers for the ladies’ hair, and a knockout Mai Tai punch, well planned by Terry Butler. We welcomed new members John and Beth Stevenson and Nina Brower-Wyngaard, as well as District Education Officer John O’Reilly to the event.
The next day, nine boats started off with a refreshing wind and anchored that evening in the Rhode River. Sociable raftups ensued with a variety of food offerings shared. The next morning (and every morning after) we enjoyed sharing Laura Hepting’s delectable homemade coffee cake! Sadly, Scott and Kathy Mayhue, aboard Star Reacher, left the cruise early for Scott’s cross-country motorcycle adventure.
From there, the boats headed down to Herrington Harbor South for swimming, and pickle-ball, coordinated by enthusiasts John and Colleen Schleicher. A nautical trivia competition led by team captains, Laura Hepting and Dennis Wallace, was fun and educational. We were glad to stay an extra day to avoid the forecasted thunderstorms, during which we celebrated a big birthday in honor of Donna Zimmerman.
Next, heading across the bay to the Choptank River, most boaters had the opportunity to see the dolphins jumping and smacking their tails to say hello! Later that day, we arrived in Oxford at Safe Harbor Marina, and enjoyed two days of exploring the quaint town. We delighted in shopping, group dinners and a presentation at the Oxford Museum, which preserves a diverse collection of artifacts and memorabilia that chronicles more than 300 years. The informative tour included a stroll along Morris Street’s brick sidewalks past beautifully restored 18th, 19th, and early 20th century homes leading to the Tred Avon River. Our entertaining guide explained the good, the bad and the interesting history of this serene, tranquil town.
Not all went smoothly as all seamen know. While raising the mainsail, Captain Randy Williamson and wife Susan aboard Windward Passage experienced a sudden main halyard break. Down came the mainsail as crew Joan Barber exclaimed, “Oops,that’s a bad day!!” Fortunately, after a trip to Annapolis, the halyard was replaced. Nina’s pup Moana, aboard Brio, snacked on two very expensive hearing aids. Now that’s news you don’t want to hear! Later in the week, due to forecasted storms, we traded Dunn Cove on the Choptank River for a more secluded anchorage at Harness Creek on the South River. With boats full of many years of seamen’s skills, all was taken in stride.
We celebrated our End of Cruise Banquet at Port Annapolis Marina complete with a catered rib dinner, generously prepared by the PitBoys of Annapolis. Appreciation for everyone’s efforts was shared by Commander Richard Butler. Captain Dennis Wallace wrapped up with a roast of participants covering many of the unexpected foils and faux pas occurring over the week! We were so pleased to have Gail and Peter Weintraub aboard Domino and Vicky Lai and George Reiner aboard Seas The Day join us for our final night banquet dinner.
Many thanks to our Cruise Chairs, Leslie Brower and Bruce Wyngaard aboard Brio and John and Colleen Schleicher aboard Scrimshaw. Additional thanks to Cruise Committee members Bart and Bev Wilson aboard Pleasure’s Mine, and Laura and Wayne Hepting aboard Lady L. We all appreciated the efforts of Bill Zimmerman, who capably hosted our directed radio net each morning, and kept us informed of approaching weather while suggesting alternatives. Other Cruise participants included Commander Richard and Terry Butler aboard Eau de Vie, Dennis Wallace and Carol Hanson aboard Weatherly, Donna and Bill Zimmerman, with crew John and Betty Ingram and Kathy Hauty aboard Mystic Star, and Randy and Susan Williamson, and Joan Barber aboard Windward Passage.
What a rewarding and memorable way to meet people, become part of a boating community, and sink your keel into Chesapeake Bay boating adventures!

Members are kept  informed of activities planned by regular mailings of the award winning newsletter "The Lubber's Line".

Calendar of Events

Please see the ABC - Wilmington Calendar on the home page page for upcoming event information and educational opportunities.  See D/5 Calendar or the National Calendar for their events.

Please join us at the Weekly Luncheons on Wednesdays at 11:30 - Seasons Pizza, 3901 Concord Pike (Route 202), Talleyville, DE. The waitresses can easily point you to our group.  Ordering usually starts between 11:30 and 11:45am. Those who now meet are a mixture of "old timers", many of whom are still active boaters (sail and power) and some younger members who work in the area. They keep up with each other and the goings on of the club and generally have a good time. (See the History of the weekly lunch below)

History of the ABC - Wilmington Weekly Luncheons

As early as 1940, the officers of America's Boating Club - Wilmington met one Thursday each month at the Hotel Kent. In 1943 the luncheon was opened to all members and became a weekly tradition. They also began keeping an attendance record, along with the weather and temperature. Later they moved to the Executive Inn on W. 9th St.. With its closing on 1 November 1979, they moved to the Presto Restaurant, later to be named Tarabicos and still later, the Green Valley. On 4 February 1988 they shifted to Gamiel's on W. 7th St., and on 8 September 1988 to the Delta Restaurant on W. 9th St.. On 31 March 1993 the group moved to the Ranch House Restaurant (now called Lucky's Coffee Shop) on the Concord Pike. At that time the meeting day was changed to Wednesday.  And, as of April 2012, the luncheons have now been moved to Seasons Pizza at 3901 Concord Pike.

The waitresses can easily point you to the America's Boating Club - Wilmington. Ordering usually starts between 11:30 and 11:45 AM.

Attendance records exist from 2 November 1972. So far, George Prouse holds the attendance record. His last lunch was #1,722 on 1 September 1986.

Those who now meet are a mixture of "old timers", many of whom are still active boaters (sail and power) and some younger members who work in the area. They keep up with each other and the goings on of the squadron and have a good time.

Many stories of the past and present are shared and newcomers are always welcome to join in and share their experiences. It's a great way to learn about the history of ABC - Wilmington and to share time with a group of those interested in boating and USPS®, plus innumerable other subjects.

Please join in.


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Members: Please use for changes to Yearbook contact information.

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